Safety breakaway couplings ABV-S series

+371 67611176 +371 67611176
Production / Connect Couplings /

Safety breakaway couplings ABV-S series

Safety breakaway couplings ABV-S series

Safety breakaway couplings ABV-S series

The ABV-S breakaway coupling for safe loading of liquids on road, rail and shipping. It is used to mechanically separate product lines during refuelling or unloading operations, thus protecting the lines from damage.
The traditional breakaway couplings are not for use everywhere. That's because breaking pins require the breakaway forces to be transferred by the hose, which inevitably results in tolerance and design problems at higher nominal widths and/or pressures.
The system with cable triggering has a lower threshold and easier to dose. And it is activated not just when the load is really
heavy, but simply by means of travel limitation. Even low cable forces are sufficient to release the ABV-S. In this case, no loose components are lost. The ABV-S can easily be reassembled on the spot to create a functional safety system.
For example, at a loading station equipped with a hose loading arm, the "release cord" is attached at a suitable point by means of a load cable anchor. In case of an emergency, the coupling "detects" when things reach a critical point. It then disconnects the line – preventing damage to the hose, coupling, vehicle and loading facilities. At both sectioning points, the valves in the safety couplings abruptly close so that no medium can escape.

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